Posts tagged with 'sculpting'

Page 2 of 7, with 96 posts

Dredd - Progress 2021-10-05 10:52:29-07:00
Some progress on the Dredd diorama. The sculpting is pretty much done at this stage: And so is the base. I built this from styrene ...
I am the Law 2021-09-26 14:56:58-07:00
Started on a new sculpt of Mega-City One's most famous lawman. This one is based on the fabulous art of Simon Bisley for a cover ...
Looks melted 2021-09-09 09:43:08-07:00
"Somebody must have bagged one of Ripley's bad guys" I love Aliens , and this is my tribute to H.R. Giger , James Cameron ,and ...
Values & contrasts 2021-09-06 17:22:23-07:00
Checking my usage of values and contrasts on the Aliens diorama. Right now the warm / cool mix is where I want it, since everything ...
Dog soldier 2021-08-30 13:05:00-08:00
This is a genetically modified cyber dog soldier, with a big gun. 28mm scale, using greenstuff, apoxie sculpt, fimo/sculpey and milliput. UPDATE: I've given him ...
Stormblade 2021-08-19 15:01:24-07:00
This is my scratcbuilt Stormblade tank. Based on a paper template from Eli Patoroch, I constructed most of the body out of cereal box, paper, ...
Tank commander, done! 2021-06-03 12:45:00-07:00
Finished up the commander, I think I will stick with him, he's grown on me: And here he is on the now-primed tank: Now the ...
Tank commander 2021-06-02 15:39:00-07:00
So I've been thinking about what color scheme / army my Stormblade belongs to, and initially I thought I'd go for a DKOK unit.I began ...
Computer console 2021-05-20 10:15:00-07:00
In between all this, and to relieve some of that rivet-zen, I built a little computer console destination marker thingy using some of my assortment ...
Cyborg soldier 2021-03-02 14:59:00-08:00
So while working on the guns and other stuff I wanted to sculpt something grim dark again, so I did this cyborg. The gun still ...
Vanilla Joe, first cast 2021-02-21 15:06:00-08:00
In the meantime, I've managed put the pieces into mold boxes and make some molds. The first cast looks good, except for one spot on ...
Vanilla Joe, done! 2021-02-05 23:58:00-08:00
After a lot of sanding, priming, re-sanding and re-priming, I'm now finished with the sculpting of Vanilla Joe Pineapples. He is ready to be covered ...
Vanilla Joe Pineapples 2021-02-05 23:58:00-08:00
This is a sculpt I did of Joe Pineapples, the ultra cool sniper from 2000AD's ABC Warriors. Based on the awesome Prog 787 ( alternate ...
Joe's progress 2021-01-23 23:00:00-08:00
I've been working on and off on the Joe Pineapples sculpt, mostly because I got stumped on the furry trim on the collar of his ...
Tetsuork, done! 2020-12-04 15:02:00-08:00
Here is the final Testuork, ready to rumble...