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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Dog soldier, painted

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Finished this guy up, increased the glow on the plasma cannon until I'm worried I'll mess it up :) ... 

Freshly baked terrain

Dog soldier on a mission, deep in the industrial jungle. Having some fun painting rusty terrain with the kids. They love the dark wash, it's ... 

Scratchbuilt since '18

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All my scratchbuilt 40k models, haning out. I started in 2018, and have made a Land Raider , Sabre Strike , Fire Raptor ,and (the ... 

Basecoating the dog man

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Started laying down the base coats on this guy. Going for a colder blue fur and a warmer brown fur, a cooler red / blue ... 

Stormblade done!

Finishing up the project, it has been a great ride! Using the airbrush, I deepened the blue on the hull, and gave it a light ... 


Some progress on the Stormblade, starting to get to the details. I love painting lenses... 

Happy painting

All in all I'm happy with where this is going. Started adding some verdigris, some oil stains, and just general griminess... 


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Here are some more photos, with the division number & nameplate done, and a start on some oil pinwashing to add a bit of depth ... 


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I tinted the whole thing a bit darker and more neutral with a bit of Payne's gray.Spent some time on sponge and brush chipping, and ... 

Laying on the basecoat

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Started laying on some base colors. Aiming for a blue/gray gradient, which should go well with a red rust and a light brown dust mix ... 

Stormblade, all primed up

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Here is the completed primed thing. Next up, painting time..... 

Tank commander, done!

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Finished up the commander, I think I will stick with him, he's grown on me: And here he is on the now-primed tank: Now the ... 

Tank commander

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So I've been thinking about what color scheme / army my Stormblade belongs to, and initially I thought I'd go for a DKOK unit.I began ... 

Computer console

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In between all this, and to relieve some of that rivet-zen, I built a little computer console destination marker thingy using some of my assortment ... 

Mindlessly riveting

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So, after spending a countless number of evenings in a state of absolute mindlessness, placing little dot after little dot all over the tank, the ...