Posts tagged with 'done'

Page 1 of 2, with 27 posts

Q'Rau 2022-02-07 17:32:07-08:00
The Queadluun Rau unit is complete. Here are the final shots of the model: And here is the glamor shot: I'm very happy with this ...
Land Raider, before & after 2020-12-17 20:28:00-08:00
Here is a comparison with the original model (white background), and the upgraded edition (black background): ...
Land Raider upgrades 2020-12-08 11:49:00-08:00
I'm calling the Land Raider rework project done. It has been fun, revisiting my first papercraft tank and adding some refinement to it.In addition to ...
Land Raider upgrades 2020-12-08 11:49:00-08:00
A bit of rework of my original papercraft Land Raider , my first project. Here are some comparison photos, with the original on top and ...
Tetsuork, done! 2020-12-04 15:02:00-08:00
Here is the final Testuork, ready to rumble...
Tetsuork 2020-12-04 15:02:00-08:00
This was a quick fun one: I decided to do a mutating Tetsuo Ork to contrast with my heavily-Akira-inspired Kaneda Ork...
Ork biker, done! 2020-11-06 17:40:00-08:00
He is now finally finished. Here are a couple more photos, including ones with only the bike & ork: ...
Ork biker, done! 2020-11-06 17:40:00-08:00
Obviously heavily inspired by Akira, and in particular Kaneda's bike: this is an Ork on his red racing rocket bike. I like the dynamic pose, ...
Ready to Ride! 2020-10-08 12:05:00-08:00
I've now gone over the skin again with matte medium (which gives it a more satiny look), and touched up the hair and skirt, fixed ...
Ready to Ride! 2020-10-08 12:05:00-08:00
This is a small diorama piece inspired by a painting by Kan Liu(666K信譞) on Artstation. The painting is called "Tying hair and getting ready" , ...
Ultranauts, assemble! 2020-08-14 15:15:00-08:00
These are some of the first miniatures that I sculpted. I refer to them as the Ultranauts, with the brave but clumsy space captain Ace ...
Cyberbrute 2020-08-14 15:15:00-08:00
Looking for MEAT.This is an 18mm (to the eyes, if it had any) tall figurine that I sculpted out of mostly greenstuff. Went for a ...
Hunter Killer Done! 2020-06-23 11:42:00-08:00
Here are the final shots: ...
Hunter Killer 2020-06-23 11:42:00-08:00
The lone Dreadnought moves silently through the dark swamp, searching for signs of it's prey; a wounded ork.You can run, but you can't hide… Scratchbuilt ...
Sabre Strike Done! 2020-05-14 10:41:00-08:00
The scratchbuilt baby tank is done!I added the last bits of lenses and viewports... ...then started adding some dust and mud. Once done, here is ...