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All the latest stuff I've been getting up to.

Ork biker dakka

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Did some more work on ork biker dude: I realised he had a bit of a dumb look on his face, and while he is ... 

Dreadnought dio painting update

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I did some more work on the dready dio, fine tuning the lights. I finally decided to just paint over the previous (too bright) blue... 

Ork biker, base coats

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Here is a bit of a basecoat on the ork biker. The red is a mixture of crimson, metallic silver and gloss varnish, shaded with ... 

Ork biker, primed

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I also made these two Gretchins, the idea was to place them below the ork rocket bike, cheering the ork on. Alas, they are a ... 

Ork biker, primed

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Here are the pics of my finished ork biker. It still needs to be painted of course, but I only aimed to get the build ... 

Dreadnought dio painting

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I've had a long session with the airbrush last night, and started reworking the lights on the dreadnought diorama.I picked up some burnt sienna ink ... 

Ork biker

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We've been away camping for the last week, drove up to the Grand Canyon, then through Bryce Canyon. Such a beautiful country you boys & ... 


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No rest for the wicked.I seem to be on a bike roll right now... The main body is made from aluminium armature wire and basically ... 

Ready to Ride!

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I've now gone over the skin again with matte medium (which gives it a more satiny look), and touched up the hair and skirt, fixed ... 

Pose change

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I have been working on smoothing the paintjob on biker girl. Also, I pivoted midway and decided she needs to look over her other shoulder, ... 

Sister of Battle Bust

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A while ago I was working on a bust of a girl wearing some kind of power armor, mostly made out of sculpey.Once done, I ... 

Macragge wrecks

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I also had a play around with the old Battle for Macragge terrain pieces that have been gathering dust in the back of my shelf ... 

Playable terrain

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In the past couple of months, what with some online shopping replacing a lot of our regular shopping, we've had a surplus of boxes of ... 

More reflections

This is still very much wip.The chrome reflections need smoothing out, I need to add some bursts of white reflections, and the girl needs a ... 


Started adding some reflections to the bike. Rough as guts right now, and the photo quality isn't great, but it illustrates where I want to ...