Posts tagged with 'guns'

4 posts

Gun casts + kitbash 2021-03-09 13:40:00-08:00
here is a first cast of the guns I made earlier: I chopped up two of them and stuck them together to make a new ...
28mm Weapon-bits 2021-03-01 21:59:00-08:00
I've put Joe aside for a bit, before I start on the next modification, and in the meantime sculped up some 28mm style weapons.I have ...
Walker mech 2021-01-11 12:06:00-08:00
"How does this thing get up after it's knocked over?" The questions that haunt a 10 year old...
Unit 2020-04-03 00:26:00-08:00
Test fire!Pencil, marker, grey markers + crayola classic colors.Blended the blue crayola marker with some water and a brush...