Posts tagged with 'cyberpunk'

4 posts

Cyberpunk city WIP 2024-03-29 16:04:18-07:00
As you can tell, we recently bought some stuff form IKEA, and of course I had to start building a cyberpunk diorama for my spinner ...
pothead 2022-04-28 23:22:45-07:00
A quick pencil sketch, turned into a Krita painting...
Cyber. Punk. 2020-02-26 16:57:00-08:00
Nothing says 90ds punk like screaming heads & neon pink lasers...
Emergent Behavior 2 2020-02-13 16:06:00.001000-08:00
A second take on the emergence theme. Bit of an experiment, layering two sketches on top of one another using GIMP, trying for depth and ...